BOOT 'N BLISTER REUNION TRIP, September 28-30, 2001

Trip Report

PHOTO, Group shot
Group shot

The most recent hike was the weekend of September 28-30 up Stuart Fork of the Trinity River. The youngster on this trip is only 49 and the oldster turns 60 next month. We've been on at least four earlier trips up this canyon in the last 35 years: once going west over the ridge to Canyon Creek, once coming in from the northeast from Caribou Lake, once skiing up and snow camping, and once hiking out 14 miles from Sapphire Lake hungry after a bear spent all night eating everything in the four packs. Two of folks on the Caribou trip in about 1971 hiked from their respective lakes and met up to trade car keys on the trail and drove home in each others' cars. Those were Jerry and Mike who were on the trip last month. Two of the folks on the hike where the bear chowed down (that was in 1967), were on this trip; Mike was carrying the same Kelty pack (with some patches) but Maralyn packed in on horseback this time.

On this trip, we hiked in the eight or 10 miles to Morris Meadow on Saturday and make camp. The next morning, some folks day-hiked on up the canyon farther. Sandra went all the way to Sapphire Lake, the upper of the two lakes. Roger went to Emerald Lake, the lower of the two. Mike went up to the Caribou trail junction (a little farther actually because he missed the sign). Rick and Smokey went up past Portuguese Camp but Smokey was getting sore and had a long way to go back to the car. Maralyn left her pack horse, Stella, in the meadow and rode her saddle mount, Red, up to Portuguese Camp where the trail gets a lot more rocky. We thank Stella for packing in the two bottles of wine. We gathered up our gear back in Morris Meadow and backpacked out for various dinners in Weaverville and beyond. It was a grand trip with eleven on it (if you count the two horses and the dog).

Here are a few more photos.

Roadhead camp.
Roadhead camp.


Maralyn and horses.
Maralyn riding Red.

Stella, a pack horse, and Maralyn.
Stella and Maralyn.

Jeannie entering a meadow.
Jeannie entering Morris Meadow.

Rick and Sandra.
Rick and Sandra.


Break time.
Break time

Caribou sign.
Sign marking the trail up and over to Caribou Lake.

Next year, the last weekend in September, 2002, (Ron thinks Columbus Day is too late for tempting snows) we are planning to go to the South Warner Wilderness. Ron Barager planned this trip and you can see the description and a map at See you there.

Take care,
Mike Diggles

Home: 154 Rutherford Ave., Redwood City, CA 94601-3511, (650) 369-6094

Work: U.S. Geological Survey, MS-951, 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025. Phones: (800) 223-8081 x 5404 or (650) 329-5404 commercial. Fax: (650) 329-5453.

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Date created: 10/09/2001
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