Maurie resting on one of those jointed surfaces. (image #040806-083)
(image #040806-084)
Wayne on the summit holding up the box that holds the summit register. (image #040806-085)
Maurie summiting. (image #040806-086)
Maurie at the top. (image #040806-087)
Group shot on the summit of Amelia Earhart Peak. (image #040806-090)
Panorama starting at Mt. Lyell and Mt. Maclure to the south and working around counterclockwise. (image #040806-091)
Head of Lyell Canyon in the trees. Donahue Pass in the background. (image #040806-092)
Panorama (image #040806-093)
Panorama (image #040806-094)
The Kuna Crest. (image #040806-095)
Mt. Dana and Mt. Gibbs in the background. Potter Point on the end of our ridge in the middleground. (image #040806-096)
The bottom of Lyell Canyon. Tuolumne Meadow is hidden below the forest. (image #040806-097)
Johnson Peak (the central core of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite) is near the left side of this shot. This is the forth and last unit in the Suite and was formed from the last vestages of melt after perhaps three million years of magma cooling. It is a fine-grained equigranular granite that locally contains potassium-feldspar phenocrysts and miarolitic cavities. (image #040806-098)
Rafferty Peak is among those peaks in the background. (image #040806-099)
Ireland Lake. The low peak beyond the first ridge, directly across the lake in this shot is Fletcher Peak. I think Vogelsang Peak is not visible from Amelia Earhart Peak. It would be just left of the lake on the far side of that dark ridge. (image #040806-100)
Parson Peak. This peak is underlain by a mafic rock that is Cretaceous to Jurassic quartz diorite, diorite, or gabbro. (image #040806-101)
Simmons Peak. (image #040806-102)
Panorama (image #040806-103)
Back around to Lyell and Maclure again. (image #040806-104)
Mt. Lyell. I shot this with a 500-mm telephoto. That glacier has receded quite a bit in the 38 years since Joe Tysl and I climbed this peak. We rescued three guys who were stuck trying to get between the two ice fields; pretty good for a couple of 18-year-old boys
Mt. Maclure telephoto shot. (image #040806-106)
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Date created: August 21, 2004
Last modified: August 23, 2004
The URL of this Web site is http://www.diggles.com/earhart/album_page4.html