
Rolfe Erickson, Sonoma State University Geology Department

Granites in the Franciscan - The Field Trip

  • FIELD TRIP - Sunday, October 9, 2005
  • thumbnail view of front cover

    NOTE: The last page of the guidebook, chem data, printed wrong. Download the book PDF below and print out page 29 to stick in your paper copy.

    Download the guidebook now as a 29-page PDF file (8.3 MB).

    See Anne's Photos

    Rolfe, you will remember, gave a talk on these rocks last May 10. He writes: "I have been studying a complexly metamorphosed quartz diorite block which is, I think, the first granitoid found in the Franciscan, and have also been studying a small trachyte pluton which is probably the first reported intraFranciscan felsic pluton. I will mostly talk about these two units. I gave a poster on the granite block at Cordilleran GSA at Boise this Spring [2004]."

    The trip will focus on field relationships of "granitic" units in the Franciscan Complex around Cazadero, CA, but also look at some other features. We will look at:

    1. a >50m block of hornblende-biotite quartz diorite of oceanic island-arc origin (an M-type granite) in an olistostrome. The block has been brecciated once, rehealed, and metamorphosed three times after crystallization. Abundant chemical and isotopic data have been determined on it; see Erickson et al 2004 in GSA Abstracts for the Boise Cordilleran Section meeting for details.

    2. the >100 Ma Little Black Mountain rhyolite stock, an intraFranciscan felsic pluton.

    3. the classic Ward Creek blueschist-metachert sequence, probably the most intensively studied body of metamorphic rocks in the world and the standard for glaucophane-lawsonite facies metamorphism

    4. an exotic block of twice-brecciated lawsonite-glaucophane fels

    5. an exposed contact of a >100 m exotic block of red chert and its sandstone matrix.

    We will meet 9:00 AM at the Larkspur Ferry parking lot in Marin County. This is just east of Highway 101 on E. Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Folks down on the Peninsula should gather at 7:70 AM and form ridepools at our usual two places: Geology Corner at Stanford and the flagpole out in front of Topo Map Sales at USGS.

    map showing 101 and SFD Blvd.

    Due to parking limitations at the field-trip stops, we are limited to the first 30 people who sign up. Email Rolfe at to reserve a spot. Rolfe's phone number is 707-664-2296 in case you know people who want to go but don't have email.

    There will be a guidebook provided at the Ferry Terminal and we will try to get a PDF of it posted here online before the trip so you can do your homework.

    Pictures of the Trip

    Photographs by Anne Sanquini

    Rolfe gives overview of the field area

    Rolfe lectures by roadcut along Austin Creek

    Contact between chert block and sandstone matrix

    Examination of roadcut

    Finding the contact

    Samples from metabasalt - metachert sequence at Stop 2, Ward Creek

    Andrew waded then climbed to examine outcrops

    Rock heaven at Ward Creek

    Here is the glaucophane metamorphite

    Rolfe with two of the local landowners


    Andrew and Al check the downstream pillow metabasalt

    Good day for field geology

    Examining rocks

    Examining rocks

    Stop 3, explanation of the granitoid block protolith and multiple metamorphism

    Stop 3(a) granitoid

    Pilgrimage UP!! to Stop 3(b)

    Rolfe is having too much fun busting up the rocks

    Examining the Little Black Mountain rhyolite stock

    Naomi examines the rhyolite

    Ray and others Talkin' the geology

    Stop 3(c) - the unfoliated metabasalt breccia

    The gang attempts to hide the lawsonite-glaucophane fels metabasalt block from the Kings River Melange

    Rolfe with students Sara and Nathan

    Click Here for Future Events

    Date created: September 12, 2005
    Last modified: October 20, 2005
    Created by: Mike Diggles, Vice President, PGS.

    c/o U.S. Geological Survey, MS-951, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025. (650) 329-5404. email Mike Diggles at

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