On November 5-10, 2000, our students went to Yosemite National Park. This trip was conducted through the Yosemite Institute. We stayed at Camp Curry in Yosemite Valley from Sunday through Thursday, then moved to Camp Wawona for Thursday and Friday.
This site contains an "album" that consists of 147 photographs in both a Web (HTML) format and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. There is also a "scrapbook" of the photos and the individual images are available one-at-a-time.
--Most photographs by Michael Diggles, USGS.
The "album" is provided here as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (album.pdf). It is the same collection of photographs but each image is 1024 pixels wide or 768 pixels high so they will fill most large screens.
Tip: You can download the PDF album to your hard disk and set it up as a slideshow. To bring up the download menu, right-click (PC) or click-and-hold (Mac) on the link below. Download the file "album.pdf" and save it in a place where you can find it again. To set it up as a slideshow, open Adobe Reader, select File, Preferences, Full Screen... and check Advance Every 3 Seconds. Then open the album and select View, Full Screen. To exit the slideshow, hit the "Esc" button.
View the collection of small-screen images
View the collection of large-screen images
These photographs were taken with a Nikon F4 with a 35-135/f3.5-4.5 AF Nikkor zoom lens loaded with Kodak Supra 400 (formerly called PJ400) professional photojournalism color-negative film.
All photographs copyright © 2000 by Michael Diggles. You are welcome to use this site and its contents for your personal, non-commercial use. This amounts to viewing the site and printing off individual pages or sections for personal use.
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